Happy Birthday Bryan

I’ve had a lot of time lately to think. About 10 hours a day, in fact. It’s mostly about how lucky I am to have Bryan in my life. Today is his Birthday and I wanted to surprise him with a visit but things are just too crazy right now. Instead, I made this video and the Trail helped too.

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14 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Bryan

  1. wow Drew – loved your video -and LOVE all your updates – actually the highlight of most of my days is following your journey. I am so proud of you. Crazy times in our world and you are in the best place — also inspiring all of your followers — love & hugs – Julie


  2. I’m not crying, you’re crying! I love that song and I love you and Bryan! Thanks for sharing your journey. Looking forward to a reunion in Maine!


    1. Such a beautiful gift. Love the Dolly song and the wonderful photos. A real tear jerker. You and Bryan are certainly meant for each other. You will have many more happy memories to record soon. Love you and Bryan so much.


  3. Happy Birthday to Bryan and what a beautiful video and song… loved the pics of the both of you❤️ I am enjoying your blog and all of the pics of our beautiful country..God bless you and the USA!!🇨🇻🇨🇻


  4. Happy Birthday Bryan! Drew I love this sweet video and the words to this song. Having someone by our side to share our life with is such a big blessing. We Love and miss you both❤️


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